The PDM update goes through fine .. I can see this...
# gooddata-cn
The PDM update goes through fine .. I can see this in the response data from querying the PDM on the environment. But when I try to create an insight using an LDM object referencing this PDM object - it fails and the error above shows on the GD CN error log
Hi Sheldon, It looks like the LDM and PDM are not correctly synced. You will want to follow the steps here on how to properly update your model. Could you please take a look at the doc and make sure you have followed the correct procedure, and let us know if you are facing any issues?
okay will check that out and let you know how it goes
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Okay so I have done all these steps .. and I have successfully made large changes to my PDM, LDM etc
the problem I have is 1. Can joins across LDM objects support the outer join behavior - currently I see an inner join behavior 2. for a PDM object can I set the id and path to be different? Note I need to make these changes using the API and not from the Designer
I believe CN still only supports outer joins, and I’m not entirely sure if there is some maql workaround yet or not. I will double-check this internally as well as changing the id path for the PDM object.
Thank you
Support of outer joins (“show missing values” option in Analytical Designer and FOR EACH clause in MAQL) has been released in the last GD Cloud and GD CN releases (2.3.0).
Great ... is this automatic or does anything special need to be specified in the API when defining the references?
Nothing special is needed on the level of model. You need to request it by "show missing values" option of attribute used for slicing the metrics or in metric definition using FOR EACH.
Umm ... so a metric needs to be defined to support this behavior?
or is it a setting on the AD?
Can this be done via API?
It does not require metric. You can do it even in metricless insight using "show missing values" checkbox. It can be done via API as well.
@Jakub Sterba could you please point me to the API doc for this?
I plan on upgrading to 2.3 in the next couple of weeks and will be staring the integration tests this week
REST API documentation of 2.3 describes boolean parameter showAllValues (default is false).
Specifies that the label should be outer-joined.
It is available as property also in REACT SDK
You can find description of the feature and references to documentation in release notes.
Thank you. I will try this out
@Jakub Sterba @Joseph Heun please note my initial problem with regards to the error message at the start of this trail still remains and I would like to have that resolved.
Could it be that you defined workspace data filter and this error comes from workspace where value for workspace data filter is not defined?
I thought that might be the case so I checked ... and the workspace where this errors does have a data filter defined
actually .. hold that thought.. let me check something and get back to you
Some value must be set for each child workspace
Yes that part is in place
Double checked the filter value has been defined
I think the issue may be with the PDM object - Can you check if the id of a PDM object can be different from the actual table/view name (the table/view name is specified in the path attribute)
That could be it. It may be a bug that id cannot be different than path. Let me check if it is fixed already in the latest release.
It really seems to be related to bug “Internal error if does not equal to table.path.last()” which has been solved in the latest release. I think the upgrade to 2.3 will help with this.
Great. Good to know. I can take care of the rest on my side.
Thank you so much.
I will test this out on 2.3 in a few days