Good morning, gooddata. We have had some problems...
# gooddata-cn
Good morning, gooddata. We have had some problems with the Data model. When we make any changes to our DW, for example, removing a table that is not being used, we notice that this has consequences on some insights, they simply stop being able to render. Any reason for this to happen? Can you tell me the best process to have our DW correctly updated with gooddata’s Data model? Is it possible to automate this process without having to do it manually through the gooddata platform UI?
Hi Nuno, Could you please post this in the appropriate channel: #gooddata-platform ?
Hi @Joseph Heun sure, but we are using the k8s self host version. Is this the right channel right?
Hi Nuno, sorry I got confused a bit thinking you were mentioning the platform version. This is the correct channel. I’m afraid it’s a multi-step process when making changes to the LDM. For example, you would add a new table to the LDM, next you would need to change how the database views that LDM. You can find the steps to evolve an LDM HERE