Hello there! As our team uses GoodData for longer...
# gooddata-cn
Hello there! As our team uses GoodData for longer periods of time, we are noticing that our sessions in the app are expiring very often. We have configured GoodData to use our own OIDC provider, FusionAuth, and followed all the requirements set in the GoodData documentation. What seems to be happening is that the duration of our session is limited to the lifespan of the Access Token provided by our IdP (in our current configuration, set to 1 hour). After this, the GoodData app tries to log the user back in, and redirects to our auth provider, either directly or by showing an intermediate page with a “You have been logged out” message. From what I understand about OIDC and gather from the GoodData documentation, after the Access Token has expired, the application should request a new Access Token using the Refresh Token, but I believe this isn’t happening in this case, despite all necessary claims being enabled in our IdP. The app goes from expired AT directly to a new login, and neither GoodData logs or our auth provider’s logs show anything indicative of a refresh token request. My question is whether this behaviour is expected, or if it is indicative that something may not be quite right with our refresh token setup. Additionally, do you advise simply extending the duration of the Access Token to mitigate this issue? Thanks for your help!
Hi António, I am happy to say, the support for refreshing ID tokens will be included in our upcoming release planned for tomorrow - Thu, Mar 9th, 2023: https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/articles/14505362735763-Thu-Mar-9th-2023-GoodData-Cloud-Release
Thank you @Ivana Gasparekova, those are great news! If I understand correctly, this will be released for GoodData Cloud. For those of us using the self-hosted GoodData-CN, when is this feature expected to be available?
It will be part of the GoodData-CN as well. But you might need to obtain the updated version to enjoy all the features.
Great! Is there a calendar date for the new version already? I am not very familiar with the CN release schedule.
That’s the same release(tomorrow), I am sorry for the confusion here.
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