Hi, I am running into two issues with <GD.CN>. Th...
# gooddata-cn
Hi, I am running into two issues with GD.CN. The first issue is that for some reason even though I only have a table in my LDM once, it is appearing in the analyzer window twice. (Different capitalization). The second issue is that I had a working filter on an insight that is no longer working correctly: • I have a fact table which is connected to 3 different dimensions. • I was using a field to filter on that is on dimension 1 (it's not a pk), and I had two attributes added to the insight from dimension 2. (All metrics come from the fact table.) • Suddenly, that filter is no longer working. If I remove and re-add the attributes from dimension 2, then the filter works. Have you seen anything like this before?
fyi @rohit mathur, @rohit, @Sagar Sonar, @Colby McCarty
also, in case it is helpful we are using GD.CN version 2.2.0.
Hi Alex, Is there an option that you updated the same dataset from a different source? Like a CSV? Also, your catalog in AD might be grouping Attributes and Facts by a tag or a folder. Is it possible that you have two separate folders or multiple similar tags? Changes of model can definitely affect your Insights. Re-adding of your filter might update the objects this seems correct tome.
Thanks Ivana. I haven't seen an option to update the dataset in GD.CN through another source, like CSV before. So I don't think that's the case. I'll look to see if we have folders/ tags set up and let you know.
Oh, my bad, thank you for reminding me of the product. Apologies. Please let me know if this is an issue of double-tagging.
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