Hi everyone, could anyone advise with GoodData on ...
# gooddata-cn
Hi everyone, could anyone advise with GoodData on Docker? I tried to run
docker run -i -t -p 3000:3000 -p 5433:5432 -v gd-volume:/data gooddata/gooddata-cn-ce:1.6.0
on WSL and when I navigated to
then I could see only this:
{"title":"Not Found","status":404,"detail":"404 NOT_FOUND \"No Organization found for hostname ''\"; nested exception is errorType=com.gooddata.tiger.grpc.error.GrpcPropagatedClientException, message=No organization found for hostname,<no detail>","traceId":"7c3c16d0e7f773dd"}
, thank you.
Try to use localhost instead
It works, thank you. What can I do to use IP address instead of localhost? I am not running it locally but on a computer in a local network so it would be great if I can connect using the IP address from my computer.