Hello, My team recently upgraded to <GD.CN> 2.1.1....
# gooddata-cn
Hello, My team recently upgraded to GD.CN 2.1.1. I am trying to use labels as a way to sort a stacked column chart. Currently, what is happening is the sort order appears to be treating the sort values as strings vs integers. For example, I created an insight and used the display as "Sort Order Value" which is my sorting label. It is sorting 1 at the top, then 10, then 1000, then 11, etc. In my data model, I have this set to be the sort for the column, and have insured that the data type is integer. Any advice? Thank you!
Hi Alex, Yes, I am afraid this is the expected behaviour right now. As per the sorting from Smallest to Largest value wasn’t implemented for GD.CN 2.1.1 yet. However, I’d rather double-check this internally and get back to you with more details. Please bear with me for a while.
Hi Alex, @Ivana Gasparekova is right. Currently all attributes are sorted alphabetically. Numerical sorting for attribute elements is one of future milestones but not yet on roadmap
Sorry to be bearers of bad news, though. May I at least submit a Product feedback on your behalf, please?
Thank you both. Ivana, that would be much appreciated!
🎉 New note created.
You are welcome, Alex. I’ve gone ahead and shared your feedback with our Product Management team. You can follow our GoodData.CN Release Notes to stayed informed about all new features.
thank you!
🎉 New note created.