Hello, had a question on the naming convention of...
# gooddata-cn
Hello, had a question on the naming convention of attributes in the LDM in GDCN. I understand the names are derived from the db columns based on the following rules 1) The prefix is removed from the name 2) The first character is upper-cased 3) Any non-alphanumeric character is replaced by a space. Is there anyway we can name a column in the underlying table such that the capitalization on the original name is retained. E.g. if a db column is called Final_Value in the table, it shows up as "Final value" in the LDM. How can we have it named "Final Value" instead. Given the number of fields, we want to avoid naming the attributes manually in the LDM.
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I am the father of the LDM generator and am so glad that finally someone utilizes it fully and even has a feature request! 🙂 @Ondrej Macek do you agree that this could be a new default behavior of the generator? Or do we need to introduce a new switch(parameter) in generateLogicalModel?
Thanks Jan. Both options will work for us. Pls. let us know when confirmed.
cc: @Jakub Sterba
Thanks @Jan Soubusta If we add the description, will it appear in the attribute properties pop up ? Attached a screenshot of the current pop up and I don't see a field for description.
I don't know. @Dan Homola?
isn’t “Client org key test2” the description?
I think it is visible in your screenshot already
I agree with @Jakub Sterba it should be the description
"Client org key test2" is the label associated with the attribute. We set it to default. Was looking for a descriptive field
@Petr Dolejsi can you please take a look? from the code it seems that this field should contain the description
@Sagar Sonar ad the original request (capitalization when generating LDM) - accepted, it should be delivered soon.
Descriptions of attributes are not visible in the AD now but we plan to implement this soon IMHO. It’s on the roadmap. There will be able descriptions for insights visible in AD and KD insights list.
This thread is about description of attribute in AD catalog, not about description of insight.
Yes, both will come IMHO.
@Jan Soubusta: Thanks for the update on capitalization. To confirm, my understanding is, the change will be that only special non alphanumeric characters will be replaced with spaces correct ? All other characters will remain as is ?
For example if the field name in the table is "Final_NPV" the output will be "Final NPV".
If it is "Account_Identifier" , it will be represented as "Account Identifier" and if its "As_of_Date" will be 'As of Date"
Basically only non numeric character ( underscore in all examples avove) wll be replaced with space. All other characters , capitalized or not, will be retained as they were.
Yes, with one exception - some databases provide upper case by default. If whole name would be upper cased, we fallback to origin behaviour. Example: "CUSTOMER_NAME" -> "Customer name"