Hello! Does <GoodData.CN> support the sort label f...
# gooddata-cn
Hello! Does GoodData.CN support the sort label feature? For context, I have some specific charts I wish to define a custom sort order for. When I have used GoodData SaaS, I have been able to leverage setting a sort order label in the LDM.
Hi Alex, please see our release notes from 14th of July 2022 - https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/articles/7742169522579-GoodData-CN-2-0-0 You can also find there a link to the docs describing “Sort Labels” feature: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/2.0/model-data/evolve-ldm/manage-labels#sort-labels
Oh great, thank you Julius!