Hello, I was wondering about how you support custo...
# gooddata-cn
Hello, I was wondering about how you support custom sorting order for Good Data CN. Does it need to be an integer, or can it be a decimal?
Hi Alexandra, where exactly do you expect this custom sorting? In Analytical designer?
I can sort by Region(string) as well as by Sum of Quantity(decimal). If I map a fact to a table column of INT data type, create a report summing up such a fact, I can sort by it too.
Thanks @Jan Soubusta I am wanting to provide a custom sort order in my logical data model, so that I can sort something like "Ratings" (which would be a text column) by that sort order as opposed to alphabetical. In the SaaS model you can do that in the LDM.
AFAIK it is planned into the next release (1.7, March), right, @Ondrej Macek?
Yes, we are working on it. I believe it will be available soon - in the next release or in the following one.
Oh awesome, that's great to hear!
Is it required that the sorting column be an integer? or can it be decimal?
Generally you will be able to define sort label for a attribute. By default decimal columns are generated as facts in LDM. But you can manually change it and map decimal column to label and then, with the upcoming feature, set this label as sort label. AFAIK setting facts as sort columns is not supported and it is not on our road map, right, @Ondrej Macek?