Here is Terminal’s a bit different message after i...
# gooddata-cn
Here is Terminal’s a bit different message after increasing allocated Ram to its max 4GB.
Hello Stan, could you please share more information about your environment? Especially what OS and Docker version you are using. How much physical memory you have on your docker host. In case you're using windows, what kind of isolation do you use (hyperv/wsl2, see docker info). Thanks
Hi Robert, find out replies hereunder. OS : macOS Catalina Docker desktop version : 4.0.0 (67817) Size of Physical memory: 8 GB Physical memory on docker host: 4 GB
Hi, it's really suspicious that you can't allocate more than 4GB RAM to Docker. I'm running docker on Linux that has native kernel support for namespaces and containerization, so I can't easily reproduce the issue. But I will ask my colleagues with Macbooks tomorrow to help me investigating this issue.
Hi Robert, thanks a million. I dunno if it is hw or sw issue at this moment. Nb is mid 2012 so not the new one but macOS run smoothly. Thanks once again.
Well, there's a trick how to get around the memory size check, if you want to start container and play around. Unfortunately, it must be done everytime you want to run a fresh container:
Copy code
ID=`docker create -i -t -p 3000:3000 -p 5432:5432 -v gd-volume:/data gooddata/gooddata-cn-ce:1.3.0`
touch empty
docker cp empty $ID:/etc/cont-init.d/04-check-resources
rm empty
docker start -ia $ID
We consider to make possible to disable this resource check.
Hi Robert, i didn’t pass over these two commands.
Copy code
docker cp emtpy $ID:/gd-volume:/data gooddata/04-check-resources
So i edited it into my path.
Copy code
docker cp empty $ID:/opt/java/openjdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
But did not passed over this command then after.
Copy code
docker start -ia $ID
Aka it would be really good to consider disabling this resource check, but yes I do wonder if I’m the only one who is cut of at beginning of the acquisition funnel. Who knows.
This command you used:
Copy code
docker cp emtpy $ID:/gd-volume:/data gooddata/04-check-resources
is wrong. It should state:
Copy code
docker cp empty $ID:/etc/cont-init.d/04-check-resources
it actually replaces the file
within the created container (whose id is stored in
) by empty file. The second command
docker start -ia $ID
just starts the created container $ID.
The resource check is there to hint users with insufficient CPU/RAM resources provisioned to Docker host (the default RAM allocated is 2GB and it is simply not enough). I think it's better to cut off user early with reasonable explanation than make him to struggle with slow, unresponsive app with randomly failing services. 😉
@stankukucka Can you share what exactly is preventing you from assigning more than 4GB RAM to docker? I see that you are using latest version of Docker Desktop, that is same as me. I have newer version of Mac Pro (2019) and I see no limits about the amount of RAM I'm able to allocate to Docker Desktop.
@Robert Moucha thanks for commands correction. Non of these work for me, sadly.
@David Kubecka I would say on my side it could be hw restriction. Nb have at this moment just 4GB. Needs to be upgraded to almost 8GB. And yes, it’s not a new one it’s from (2012). Even i do setup 4GB as max in Docker Desktop it can’t hit its max because of the rest of the system requirements. My guess.