
API error - GDC::Exception::NotFound

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Userlevel 3

We’ve checked the logs, but it seems like the request you made here never reached us. Could you please try again using https instead of http?

I did it, and I got this response.

Where is problem ?




Userlevel 3

It’s not listed in our doc, but once you have the object ID for the Variable, you can then make a call to get a list of users using that specific variable: 


POST https://{hostname}/gdc/md/{PID}/variables/search

{    "variablesSearch":    {        "variables":["/gdc/md/z{PID}/obj/prompt_obj_id1","/gdc/md/z{PID}/obj/prompt_obj_id2",...],        "context":["/gdc/account/profile/user_id1","/gdc/account/profile/user_id2",...],        "searchOptions":        {            "offset":0,"limit":500        }    }}



context in this case relates to the profile ID of the user. You can leave this blank and get a list of the user for the specified variable as needed. 

Ok. I got response.  I would like find out variables for title “ident_nadr”  for users.

What next ?








Userlevel 3

I’m terribly sorry, but it looks like our docs are a bit out of synch. 


The categories should be labeled as follows: 





We will update our docs accordingly, and apologize for the confusion. Something may have changed recently and we will rectify this. 

Userlevel 3

You need to make the call to the following URL:

Then you would apply the body of the call into the RAW textbox of your API tool. For example:

Userlevel 3

Could you please provide the full URL you are using to make the call as well as the body of your call?

For category - “prompts”  is the same error.



I need help for continue.


Now I got this answer. Which category I need use  for user filter variables ?



Category in documentation:



Userlevel 3

It looks like you are running the wrong url for your GET call. It should look like this: 



Please , I try call object methods “/objects/query” with required parameters limit and category and I got error answer.

Where is problem ?  Thank you very much.







Userlevel 3

You will need to execute a GET to find metadata objects of the prompts category.






  • "objects":{
    • "paging":{
      • "offset": 0,

      • "count": 1

    • "items":[
      • {
        • "analyticalDashboard":{
          • "meta":{
            • "title": "Some title",

            • "category": "metadataType",

            • "tags": "tag1 tag2",

            • "author": "/gdc/account/profile/p123",

            • "created": "2020-01-08 15:44:23",

            • "contributor": "/gdc/account/profile/p123",

            • "updated": "2020-01-08 15:44:23",

            • "identifier": "identifier123",

            • "flags":[
              • "string"

            • "summary": "Object summary",

            • "uri": "string",

            • "deprecated": "0",

            • "locked": 0,

            • "unlisted": 0,

            • "isProduction": 0,

            • "sharedWithSomeone": 0

          • "content":{ }
    • "forbidden":[
      • "/gdc/md/{project_id}/obj/{variable_id}"




Hello, thank you for informations.

 tried find ID variable for update and I got answer. Moved Permanently. I din not get list of variables.  

What I have to change for right result ?




For example :




Userlevel 3

The body for updating a variable should look as follows: 



  • "variable":[
    • {
      • "related": "",

      • "level": "user",

      • "expression": "string",

      • "type": "filter",

      • "uri": "/gdc/md/{project_id}/variables/item/{variable_value_1_id}",

      • "prompt": "/gdc/md/{project_id}/obj/{variable_id}",

      • "tree":{
        • "type": "string",

        • "value": "string",

        • "position":{
          • "line": 0,

          • "column": 0

        • "content":{
          • "type": "string",

          • "value": "string",

          • "position":{
            • "line": 0,

            • "column": 0

          • "content": { }




I apologize for missing the second part of the question. This can also be found in the API library:


The values for those operations are either SET, ADD, or Remove.

Hello, thank you for informations.

   1.  I tried find ID variable for update. I follow the instructions step by step



I did not get list of values like example :   


I don't know where is relation into user.

  1. I did not get answer about my second question. “ADD OR REMOVE user into usergroup  I would like to add new user into group A. How can do it over API.”


Thank you for help.




Userlevel 3

You can find the information on our API library at the following:

Hello, thank you very much.

Now is all right.


Please help me agin.

I would like to use API for next points. Please help me, what I can use.


  1. UPDATE user filtered variables.  For example, I would like to change value for variables ident for user (me) . How can do it over API.  (I need only name of API)


  1.  ADD OR REMOVE user into usergroup  I would like to add new user into group A. How can do it over API.

           (I need only name of API)


Thank you very much





Userlevel 3

Hi Petr, 


I see you are using the wrong value for “projects”. Please use the workspace/project ID instead of the user ID.

Feel free to check the following article in case you don’t know how to find it: Find the Workspace ID


